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Winter Dance Assembly

By Marisela Flores

Thursday, February 6th, was the Winter Dance assembly. This assembly was open to all Centennial students and took place in the large gym after 7th hour.

The theme of this dance and assembly was the 50’s. The decorations used to show the names of all the students on court for king and queen were records and on stage was a jukebox.

The candidates for this court were Peyton Sterling, Maya Maes Johnson, Carson Farnsworth, Joli Dou, Chazz Vigil, Ethan Strong, Justin Shure, and Harrison Coultrip.

The audience was also shown short interviews done with the candidates by Bulldog T.V. in which questions such as, “What is your favorite song from the 50’s?” were asked. Majority of the students sang along to the songs which they picked.

The assembly was short but very eventful. Apart from the interviews that were shown, a few of the drama students showed us a sneak peak of their musical “Fiddler On The Roof”. They performed two songs. The musical will take place in April.

Another performance that was shown was the band’s percussionists who performed a show that they made. In this performance they all used basketballs to each make a beat and ended the show by all throwing the balls on the ground at the same time. Senior, Darin Delgado, was the one leading the group with the whistle that he had which he also used as part of his show.

As the assembly came to an end the king and queen were announced. Peyton Sterling won queen and Harrison Coultrip won king.

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