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Things To Do While Inside

By Marisela Flores

Right now everyone is spending a lot of time inside their house. This is giving people a lot of free time to do anything but that time is more than likely being used to watch T.V. instead of other fun and more active things.

This time that everyone has can be used to pick up new hobbies, such as painting. Painting is not only fun but it can be a stress reliever. Being stuck inside for weeks can get a little stressful and at times the work everyone still has to do may be overwhelming but painting could be a way of de-stressing. Anyone can do it and can even express the feelings they’re having through it.

Another thing that people can do is listen to new music. Music is known for making people feel many emotions and one of them is happiness. The free time can be used to just experiment with new genres or musicians, perhaps they can find a new favorite band or musician that makes them relax.

Along with the music idea, those who have instruments can try making their own songs or even just learning some of their favorite songs. Practicing is always good and it can also serve as a de-stresser. Some people could even learn a completely new instrument.

Considering we’re inside so much there isn’t much movement going on. It is important to exercise at least a little bit everyday, this really helps clear your mind, is a great way to kill some time, and keeps you healthy. Any form of exercise is good whether it’s running, jogging, walking, or following a YouTube video, it will be helpful.

These are tough times and it really is rough having to stay inside for so long but there are many things that can be done to distract yourself from feeling almost trapped. It is important that we stay happy and healthy.

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