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Petition to Return Food Workers’ PERA Benefits

By Evan Woodka-Kelly

The Centennialight

Recently a petition has been going around to return PERA benefits to food workers at Pueblo District 60.

The PERA retirement benefits were removed from the transition to a new D60 food plan. This new plan privatized District 60’s food sources in order to save money.

The petition was made to ensure that the school district’s food workers had their PERA benefits returned and protected, as well as to agree that the system should not be renewed at the end of the one-year plan already put in place.

The privatization of sources and removal of PERA benefits have led to many staff members quitting and leaving District 60.

The petition was started by Centennial High School student Sofia Kamal, as a way to make a change to the unfair changes made by the district.

At the time of writing, the petition has gotten 761 signatures.

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