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Centennial FBLA Competitors Qualify for State

By Nadia Jackson

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) at Centennial continues its long tradition of success as 15 students have qualified to compete at Colorado FBLA’s state competition to be held April 18th to April 20th.

The District 6 competition - held February 11th via a virtual platform drew many competitors from the chapters within the region.

Competing in a vast variety of events, from Advertising, to Computer Problem Solving, to Political Science, 40 students from Centennial had the chance to compete against other high school students in Colorado’s District 6.

Despite a 70% decline in Centennial’s FBLA participation population the 2020-2021 school year (likely due to COVID-19 restrictions) 15 students remain in the running to potentially represent the school at the national level.

Events fit into three categories: prejudged report, objective test, or role play, though some events, such as Business Ethics contain elements from all categories to be configured into the final score. While many events are completed individually, some can also be completed as a team per the competition guidelines.

Centennial students competing in FBLA are responsible to meet their event requirements - whether that requires studying for a test, researching elements of their presentation, or writing the script for their performance - with little guidance.

Centennial’s FBLA advisor for the past three years, Mr. Madrill ensured that students met deadlines and understood event expectations, but ultimately acknowledges that it is the student’s individual responsibility to maintain the professionalism to complete their events.

He shared a heartwarming message with students on February 17 - Advisor’s Day after the final results were announced, noting how proud he is of all the students who worked hard for Districts. He recognizes the importance of students putting themselves out there no matter the final results.

Senior Josh Thatcher, a four time state qualifier and Centennial’s Competitive Event Executive Officer, adds to the sentiment stating, “FBLA has always been a huge part of Centennial. It is an honor to represent Centennial at the State Leadership Conference. Everyone that has qualified has definitely earned their seat … I’m looking forward to seeing how well we all place.”

Though typically would be held at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Denver, Colorado FBLA’s state competition will again be held via a virtual platform due to restrictions on gatherings, and will ultimately determine which students will represent at the national level.

Good luck to the Bulldogs competing and big congratulations to all the students that represented Centennial at Districts!

Andrew Li, Josh Thatcher, Rick Lane, and Miranda Marhofer pose for a picture at the 2020 FBLA Regionals Competition. Courtesy Photo.

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