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Senior Spotlight: Delicia Apodaca

By Gabriella Vigil

Even though all the events leading up to her senior year were unexpected, Delicia Apodaca is still standing strong. Apodaca is an amazing student with many academic accomplishments.

Apodaca has been in the National Honor Society and the Spanish club for two years. She received her first academic letter her first semester of senior year.

When she graduates, Apodaca will miss school dances, giving hugs to friends and her favorite teacher, Mrs. Armendariz. After graduation, Apodaca plans on attending University of Northern Colorado to getting her Bachelors degree and becoming a photographer or an elementary school art teacher.

“My junior year I ran into some personal problems and didn’t think there was a way out. I ended up talking with my favorite teacher Mrs. Armendariz, she showed me that I was just stuck in a haze of negativity. Thanks to her I blossomed back into the person I once was,” said Apodaca.

Apodaca has had many obstacles she had to overcome but her biggest accomplishment is “being entered into the Colorado Kids Create art book of 2020. Due to this I allowed myself to expand on the viewers of my art and create an art page on Instagram to share my work.”

“The advice I have for lower classmen is to not let others' opinions bother you. If you’re happy then that’s all that matters. This is the age where everybody just wants to be loved but you need to love yourself before you can love somebody else.”

Apodaca will always miss Centennial with all her heart but bigger things are waiting for her. “Centennial has taught me to always be true to yourself and success comes from within.”

Courtesy Photo.

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