By Mercedes Caldera-Perez
The Centennialight
On April 1st, 2024 the students in the Gifted & Talented program went on a field trip to the Denver Aquarium.
After boarding the bus and taking a long, but traffic free, ride up to Denver, the group had lunch in the Aquarium’s restaurant. Lunch was provided in a buffet style, serving hotdogs, hamburgers, salad, and dessert.
The time was interrupted by the staff walking around with a macaw outside the restaurant, which periodically stopped everyone to go see if it was indeed a bird or potentially a screaming child.
After lunch, the group walked through the Aquarium, seeing an abundance of silly looking sea creatures that were loved. The sharks and stingrays were overall favorites.
One of the students that attended the field trip, Valerie Tackett, commented, "It was very interesting, and it was good to be able to get out of Pueblo for a bit.” Tacket also shared their favorite part of the trip was seeing the shark tanks.
Once students reached the end of the exhibits, they were given a chance to pet both stingrays and jellyfish as well as feed the stingrays. Many left with water-related plushies from the giftshop.
On the way back, the bus was caught in traffic on the way out from Colorado Springs which caused a minor delay, around 10-15 minutes.
Overall the experience was well loved and appreciated, and a nice way to be welcomed after spring break.
Courtesy photos by teacher and GT sponsor, April Vickey