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The Impact of Kobe Bryant’s Death on High School Students

By Rachel Baird

On January 26th Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and seven of their friends were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California. Kobe owned his own private helicopter and used it frequently to travel to different locations. On this day, the helicopter was heading towards the gym in California where Gianna and her friends play basketball.

The weather conditions were bad Sunday morning, and due to the fog, the helicopter crashed into the side of a mountain. The news of this event quickly spread around the world, and people soon had to face the reality of losing one of the greatest sports athletes and influencers.

Kobe’s death greatly damaged younger generations, especially students who are currently in high school. Kobe was seen as a role model to many high school students, and his death had taken everyone by surprise.

Senior Victor Martinez commented, “It affected me greatly. Older generations had Michael Jordan as their role model and influencer. Kids my age had Kobe Bryant, he was our version of Michael Jordan. When I was younger I grew up watching a lot of his games so when he passed away it took me by surprise. His death makes me want to work harder towards any sport that I am playing. He gave our generation of kids the idea of being mentally strong and working your hardest towards whatever goals you set for yourself.”

Kobe’s death also made high school students form a new perspective of their life and the people who are around them. The helicopter crash took the lives of families and children. These deaths tugged deeply at the hearts of both students and adults.

Senior Crystal Whalen stated, “Kobe’s death showed me that you have to enjoy all the opportunities you have been given in life and never take anything for granted. Even the people who have the most can go just as fast as the rest of us. Whether you have a lot or a little you have to cherish what you have in your life and those around you because tomorrow is never promised.”

This tragic accident had influenced people to both cherish the people around them and the opportunities that have been given to them in life. It is easy to see that all high school students are wanting to keep Kobe’s legacy alive.

Senior Harrison Coultrip mentioned, “He was our influence for my generation of kids. It makes me want to work harder towards everything in life. Kobe was not only working towards his basketball career for years but he was also focused on building charities for others and ensuring his own families happiness. That is a goal that all people should strive for. We should not only help ourselves, but help others around us and those who we love.”

Kobe’s death was unexpected, however the difference he made in the world before his passing will forever be his legacy. His influence on students will never be forgotten and those who saw him as a role model will continue to look up to him for years to come.

Photo by Rachel Baird

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