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Senior Spotlight: Alexandria Bosley

By Rachel Baird

The pandemic that our world is facing today, is greatly affecting the class of 2020. Little did they know the last half of their senior year was going to be taken away from them without warning. The sudden shut down of schools left seniors to question why this had to happen to them, and they look back and reflect on all the memories they have made up to this moment because they understand that they will most likely never get to complete their senior year like they imagined for the past 4 years.

Senior Alexandira Bosely understands that during this tough time, it is important to cherish the memories that have been made up to this point. She reflects on her high school years and describes her favorite memory.

“My high school experience has been amazing and unforgettable. I have made new friendships with people that will last a lifetime. High school has brought in new people, new beginnings, and opportunities for my future. Being a part of the 2020 class has been special and an amazing journey. I wish that I could end my senior year making a few last memories like going to our senior prom, or getting to say goodbye to my fellow classmates and teachers. My last memories of high school will always be cherished and I will miss everything about it. One of my favorite memories is growing up with some amazing people and getting to enjoy our teenage years freely before we start a new chapter in our life and become adults.”

During high school, Bosely ran cross country her freshman and sophomore years. She also participated in DECA club. Although she was involved in sports during high school, she does not plan on playing in college. She wants to take the time during college to focus on her studies and reach her ultimate career goal.

“I plan on attending UCCS in Colorado Springs after high school. I would like to pursue my life career as an airline pilot, traveling the world and enjoying what I do. After college I’m not too sure if I will plan on living my life in Colorado, or somewhere else.”

It is important for seniors to understand that even though times are tough, there is still an entire life ahead of them where new memories can be made and new opportunities can be found. Even though Bosely is excited to start the next stage of her life, she can’t help but realize everything that she will miss about high school.

“I will dearly miss seeing my friends at school. I’ll miss the fun times we shared at assemblies, bell games, dances, and much more. I am excited to graduate, but for me and the other seniors, our senior year is ending differently than expected.”

Before Bosely graduates, she wants to inform the underclassmen about an important lesson she has learned over these past few years.

“Always cherish the little things and enjoy your high school years, because you’ll never know when something so important to you can be taken away.”

Senior year is a very important time in a student's life. It is the year where everything they’ve known is coming to an end, and preparing for their future begins. Even with everything going on in the world, the class of 2020 remains strong and hopeful. They take the obstacles in front of them head on, because they know they can conquer anything.

Courtesy photo by Scott Orf

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