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Senior Dance Girls Prepare for Bell Game

By Rachel Baird

October 21, 2019

Centennial’s senior dance girls are working their hardest to prepare an outstanding routine for their final Bell Game performance on Friday October 25th at 7 p.m. at Dutch Clark Stadium.

The Bell Game has been a traditional rivalry game in Pueblo since 1892 and the excitement that comes with the halftime performance has never disappointed. The senior dance girls are no strangers to the hard work and pressure of a Bell Game, but this one means the most to them because it will be their last.

The senior dance girls are responsible for preparing the choreography and decorations that will be seen during the game.

Senior Crystal Whalen explained the type of expectations that their group is held to. “As a senior on the dance team, we are responsible for making up the Bell Game routine, along with teaching it and perfecting it with the girls. We also have to make locker posters, build large props for the routine which is a dog house this year, paint posters that will be hung up at dutch, and insure that Bell Game week is a fun, exciting, and full of pride.”

Over the years, it is easy to see how the dance performances have developed. This is because since the senior girls were freshman, they have also experienced their own personal growth as dancers, both as individuals and as a team.

Senior Anahi Zambrano expressed how the preparation for this year’s Bell Game differs from the last three years. “This year, it's just a really different aspect because this is the year we've been waiting for since we were freshmen. It's exciting that we get to create the dance, but it is also nerve racking. It's kind of sad though, because we built a dog house for the routine and on the back of it we all signed it as seniors and it makes it all real that this is our last one. It's a very bittersweet feeling.”

The seniors have been working on the routine for the past week or so, and they have been putting together all the decorations for the stadium. It is important to all of the girls to express the pride that they have in their school and ensure all of the students are just the same.

Senior Liberty Shay explained how they get all the students into Bell Game spirit. “Every year of course the school has Bell Week where everyone dresses up, but we like to do a little extra just to ensure our schools pride is seen. For example, every year we put together a fundraiser and just for five dollars the dance team will paint your car with red and white paint. It's important that our schools pride is seen all over Pueblo.

This year’s game, like every year, will not be one to forget. The senior dance girls have worked their hardest to be as prepared as they can be for this emotional day. For everyone who attends the game, watch out for this year’s Centennial Dance Team.

The senior girls of dance team pose for their final picture. Courtesy photo

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